Friday 27 February 2009

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Last Recording And Editing lessons

Our last filming sessions personally think it were the most successful filming session we had so far. The weather was good, which meant that we could actually film sometin useful.
We went down to Kings Cross Station, we placed our equipment accross the road from the station and carried on with our filming.
I had to walk down the pavement several times and record the same shot a couple of times until i got it right. We then needed a shot of me entering a buliding, we tried this before at City Hall but the problem was that we didnt have persmission to do so, so then we went to a building that is suituated just before King Cross and we got persmission from the people at reception which meant that we could record our last shot.

As we had finished our recording it meant that we had to start to log and capture all of our diffrent shots and get ready to start editing. This is when the pressure started as we only had a week to finish the whole clip and we had to add the sound, transitions anf fix up a couple of shots. We all took turns in our group to decide what we thought about the shots that we had recorded and to make decisions on what went where. It was really hard to make do with the time that we had as we had to figure what days we could go to the workshops to get out clip finished and some of us had lessons that we couldnt miss so it meant that we had to work extra ahrd in our media lessons.

In our last media lesson we had put all the clips together in the order that we wanted them in. We added transitions and slowed down some bits just to add extra effects. We had also chosen the name of our clip and the text font and transition type that we wanted it to appear in. We then showed our work to Rebecca and she sat down with us and showed us where she thought there things missing in the clip. She really helped us make the clip look even better. As now there was no gaps in the clip and everything else played along smoothly.

The last editing day me and Micheala had to come back and get our head down to work as time was running out. Oyin and Kirsty didnt attend to this session so the pressure was on. Our clip , was nearly done, the basic was done,the transitions had been put in and the only thing left to do was to add the voice over and the rest of the sound for the clip which is the hardest bit because you need to get every sound spot on. We started off by adding all the sound effects that we wanted and left the gap for the voice over. Once this was done we borrowed a camera and recorded the voice over. We had to go back connect the camera to a computer and log and capture the sound. This was the easy part, but it then got tricky as when we added the voice over, the voice over was too fast for the clip which meant that we would have to re-arrange the sound and start again. We were getting stressed at this point as lunch time was about to begin, and me and micheala couldnt stay any long as we had lessons after lunch. We had to call in Micky for his help, he helped us slow down the clip, add the voice over in the right place and make sure that the voice and sound fit in with the rest of the clip.
When this was done we were so relieved as we had finished on time and we didnt have to worry about not finishing for the deadline which was Friday 27th February 3:00pm. Me and Micheala had finished the clip and had posted it up on our blog by 12:15pm that same day.

Monday 23 February 2009

First Editing Lesson

Today we started on the editing of everything that we have filmed. First of all we had to log and capture the scenes we filmed last lesson, which were Stephanie walking down a road, answering her phone, and then walking into a biulding that looked like the same doors to city hall. We used student accomodation in kings cross for the scene of stephanie walking through revolver doors. We filmed the street scenes in kings cross, because it was easy to get too in the time limit that we had and also we knew it would most likely be busy. When we got back to college we got a shot of stephanie's feet walking past the camera on the floor and we also got a shot of the mobile phone ringing with it saying "Incoming call-Unknown".
Today we logged and captured this, and began editing all of our clips. It took us a while to get started, as we all had different ideas about the opening shot that we should have. Once we all agrred that it should be stephanie walking down the street and answering the phone, we then were able to carry on productively. We managed to get the whole thing put together and with a few minor edits, and the voice over that we need, we will be finished. We now need to decide where we will put the credits, what they will look like and what they are going to say. This will be the aim of our next session.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

3rd filming session ???

We werent able to record for our third filming session because of the fact that it snowed in London really heavily, this meant that it was far too cold for me to be recorded walking about and also the roads were full of snow which meant that it wouldnt fit in with what we have previously recorded.

2nd Filming Session

Our second filming session was very stressfull and not very successful as i could have been, The first mistake that was made was that i didnt have the same hair style as i did wen we recoreded the first session. This was my mistake and i personally thin it effected the mood of the day. The next problem was that we had to film in the college and use the lifts. The lifts were unfortunately under management so this was a big problem as part of the filming was to use the lifts. This made us just a little bit more fustrated but we got encouragement from out teachers and we still went on and done everything we possibly could to film the office scene. We had to make the most of the time we had.
Once we got started it seemed to be working, althoug next lesson we still have to shoot a couple more scenes in the office, like over the shoulder shots of me finding this " important document ".
In this lesson we learnt that not everything goes as planned and we have to try to stick to the story board adn work around the resources that we have.

1st filiming session picture

City Hall

1st filiming session pictures

Filming Sessions ... 1

On our first filming session we booked all the equipment and went out to Tower Bridge to film our 1st sequence. I changed into a Skirt with heels and a white shirt with a blazer to create the "office" type lady look but also to show that i have an important status for the opening sequence.
Our first shot was a pan of Tower bridge itself just to show the audience where the sequence is starting off.
We then crossed the Bridge to the other side and tried to film by the buildings where City Hall is. We had a problem though, that all the buildings that are near city hall have very strict security and we were not allowed to film in front of them without permission. The only building we were allowed to film was City Hall it self. So our second shot was of me walking towards City Hall with my important handbag.
If we would have got the permission to allow us to film infront of the other buildings i think our filiming session would have been more successful, but now we know that if we do plan to change anything from out pitch and we decide that we need to go filming in front of important buildings then we will remmber to get permission before we do.

Second Filming Session 28.01.09

Our second filming session was very unsuccessful. But we learn't that we need to improvise and maybe revise our production schedule and storyboard. Due to our thursday session being shorter than monday we had planed to keep this filming session closer to college because other members of the group had a next lesson. When planning our storyboard was told by out teacher that we should be careful in filiming in college because it may end up looking like a "college". But on thursday we had no choice but to film the lifts in college because we had not found another building that would allow us to film there. However this became a problem of its own because lifts were then put out of order because the maintenance man needed it. After long thought on what to do next we then decided to film the office scene although this was scheduled for next week thursday. The office scene also seemed to be a problem because the layout and structure of the media office did not go in accordance to the storyboard. However we still went ahead with it and made a few minor adjustments to our original idea. Next session we will ahve to re-do the office scene again so that we can get the scene from different angles.