Wednesday 4 February 2009

Second Filming Session 28.01.09

Our second filming session was very unsuccessful. But we learn't that we need to improvise and maybe revise our production schedule and storyboard. Due to our thursday session being shorter than monday we had planed to keep this filming session closer to college because other members of the group had a next lesson. When planning our storyboard was told by out teacher that we should be careful in filiming in college because it may end up looking like a "college". But on thursday we had no choice but to film the lifts in college because we had not found another building that would allow us to film there. However this became a problem of its own because lifts were then put out of order because the maintenance man needed it. After long thought on what to do next we then decided to film the office scene although this was scheduled for next week thursday. The office scene also seemed to be a problem because the layout and structure of the media office did not go in accordance to the storyboard. However we still went ahead with it and made a few minor adjustments to our original idea. Next session we will ahve to re-do the office scene again so that we can get the scene from different angles.

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