Wednesday 25 February 2009

Last Recording And Editing lessons

Our last filming sessions personally think it were the most successful filming session we had so far. The weather was good, which meant that we could actually film sometin useful.
We went down to Kings Cross Station, we placed our equipment accross the road from the station and carried on with our filming.
I had to walk down the pavement several times and record the same shot a couple of times until i got it right. We then needed a shot of me entering a buliding, we tried this before at City Hall but the problem was that we didnt have persmission to do so, so then we went to a building that is suituated just before King Cross and we got persmission from the people at reception which meant that we could record our last shot.

As we had finished our recording it meant that we had to start to log and capture all of our diffrent shots and get ready to start editing. This is when the pressure started as we only had a week to finish the whole clip and we had to add the sound, transitions anf fix up a couple of shots. We all took turns in our group to decide what we thought about the shots that we had recorded and to make decisions on what went where. It was really hard to make do with the time that we had as we had to figure what days we could go to the workshops to get out clip finished and some of us had lessons that we couldnt miss so it meant that we had to work extra ahrd in our media lessons.

In our last media lesson we had put all the clips together in the order that we wanted them in. We added transitions and slowed down some bits just to add extra effects. We had also chosen the name of our clip and the text font and transition type that we wanted it to appear in. We then showed our work to Rebecca and she sat down with us and showed us where she thought there things missing in the clip. She really helped us make the clip look even better. As now there was no gaps in the clip and everything else played along smoothly.

The last editing day me and Micheala had to come back and get our head down to work as time was running out. Oyin and Kirsty didnt attend to this session so the pressure was on. Our clip , was nearly done, the basic was done,the transitions had been put in and the only thing left to do was to add the voice over and the rest of the sound for the clip which is the hardest bit because you need to get every sound spot on. We started off by adding all the sound effects that we wanted and left the gap for the voice over. Once this was done we borrowed a camera and recorded the voice over. We had to go back connect the camera to a computer and log and capture the sound. This was the easy part, but it then got tricky as when we added the voice over, the voice over was too fast for the clip which meant that we would have to re-arrange the sound and start again. We were getting stressed at this point as lunch time was about to begin, and me and micheala couldnt stay any long as we had lessons after lunch. We had to call in Micky for his help, he helped us slow down the clip, add the voice over in the right place and make sure that the voice and sound fit in with the rest of the clip.
When this was done we were so relieved as we had finished on time and we didnt have to worry about not finishing for the deadline which was Friday 27th February 3:00pm. Me and Micheala had finished the clip and had posted it up on our blog by 12:15pm that same day.

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