Wednesday 4 February 2009

2nd Filming Session

Our second filming session was very stressfull and not very successful as i could have been, The first mistake that was made was that i didnt have the same hair style as i did wen we recoreded the first session. This was my mistake and i personally thin it effected the mood of the day. The next problem was that we had to film in the college and use the lifts. The lifts were unfortunately under management so this was a big problem as part of the filming was to use the lifts. This made us just a little bit more fustrated but we got encouragement from out teachers and we still went on and done everything we possibly could to film the office scene. We had to make the most of the time we had.
Once we got started it seemed to be working, althoug next lesson we still have to shoot a couple more scenes in the office, like over the shoulder shots of me finding this " important document ".
In this lesson we learnt that not everything goes as planned and we have to try to stick to the story board adn work around the resources that we have.

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