Wednesday 31 December 2008

28 Days Later Evaluation

I chose to evaluate the thriller 28 Days Later because I feel that the camera movement and other aspects make it the most interesting and gripping, although nothing happens in the clip, the audience get a sense that something has already happened and we are in the same position as the character because he doesn't know what's going on either.

The lighting maintains being quite bright fake light in the first scenes inside the hospital. This shows the surroundings very clearly so that the audience can see chaos and mess thats around. The lighting outside is natural, it is shot very early in the morning and there is absolutely nobody around. The camera movement always shows the character as very small in the shot, just visibal in distance. This shows his vulnerability and emphasises the fact that he is alone in a deserted area. The first shot of wide shot so that we see the surroundings and chaos. The audience wonder what has happened and the camera just follows what the character is doing and focuses on him.

The music is mostly diegetic, for example the phone banging when he drops it, or the can opening, are all sounds that are there and happen. His voice gets echoed to show that he is alone in very big space, it also gives a feeling of uneasyness, because the sound of the echo sounds creepy. When non-diegetic sound is added, the sadness of the situation is emphasised by the sound of strings and a meloncholy rythm shows his loneliness and boredom.

The only editing that is done is the cutting between shots. mostly the camera is tracking him.
The setting and location is firstly a messed up deserted hospital and then we go outside and we see that we are in central london. This makes a connection with the audience because most people who are watching this clip know that central london is always very busy and packed. The fact that there is not a soul there except for one man, and the places is full of strange things like turned over buses and smashed stuff, gives the impression that this could be real and the audience feel like they are there experiencing it. This creates suspense even though nothing is actualy happening.

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