Monday 15 December 2008

The Shining

Today in our lesson we had to watch the thriller 'The Shining'. We had to fill in a sheet, noticing at least 3 suspenseful moments. The very first moment that I noticed was the opening credits. There is a picture of the main character looking the the bathroom door when he has gone mad, this put with music that builds created tension, this makes you wonder what is going to happen in the film. The second moment is when Daniel, the little boy, is alone in the games room playing darts, music suddenly starts and the camera zooms in on him slowly, he is looking at something with a look of fright on his face. The camera suddenly cuts to a shot of two little girls and then back to Daniel's face. This shows us that Daniel is scared of the little girls and what he can see. The third scene that I thought was suspenseful was when Daniel and Wendy are getting a tour of the food cupboard and a high pitched sound suddenly comes which builds and gets louder and more high pitched as the camera zooms in on Daniel. The mans voice fades and the camera slowly pans round to his face and he looks at the camera. This gives the audience the feeling that something is going to happen to the man or that they have some sort of connection. Towards the end of the film the amount of suspense is heightened. The scene where Jack is chasing his son, the camera is tracking him and it feels like we are with him and we don't know what is around the corner.

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