Tuesday 30 December 2008

Let 'Em Play God - Stephanie Brand

Alfred Hitchcock has worked in making pictures (thirllers, dark mysteries and chillers) for 17 years and does not believe that that puzzling the aundince is the essence of suspence. Alfred Hitchcock explains that the way to keep an audience on the edge of their seats is through "Suspense". His way of keeping the aundience in this "suspense" is to let them play God. He says that its a brutal act if the audience do not k now what is going to happen next or who the killer is for example because then the audience will be confused and will not know wether to cheer or weep.
On the other hand if the audience does know and they know more than the characters in the movie itself, then the audience will "work like the devil because they know what fate is facing the poor actors" this is what Alfred describes as "Playing God" and the perfect example of "Suspense".
He explains that if the audicence know everything from the start then the audience will not be puzzled. So if there is a murderer inthe movie, no one on the screen knows who the murder is except the muderer himself and the fact the audicence do know and watch the actors suffer then this makes real suspense for the audience. Questions that the audience will be asking themselves like "Will the muderers break and give themselves away?" or "How long will that blood lie in its grave without being dicovered?", if the audience are asking themselves these questions then the audience will want to be shouting at the screen constantly because they will know the consequences of one wrong turn is made.

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