Tuesday 30 December 2008

What Lies Beneath Analysis - Stephanie Brand

In the begining of the scene we are already tense because theres a slow but deep soundtracks playing in the background, its very quiet, it sounds like a very quiet high pitched squeek and as the lady slowly pulls the plug hole we know something is going to happen because of the reason that she takes her time to pull it and she looks like she is unsure about doing it. When she pulls the plug hole the sound of the water going down the drain gradually gets louder and when the camera slightly zooms out to see her reflection in the water going down, we dont just see her reflection but another womens too, then there is a LOUD "SHTOOM" when the other lady appeard and then the lady that has pulled the plug hole screams LOUDER! This makes the audience jump because all throught out the begining of the clip the audion is very low until she get s to the bath, pulls the plug and sees another womens reflection then there's a LOUD sound and a VERY LOUD scream!
Although we dont know what is going to happen we are still in suspense because as the audience we are eager to know what is going to happen once the plug is pulled.

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