Sunday 14 December 2008

Stephanie Brand - Thriller - 3rd lesson

In our final lesson working on our clip, we arranged our clips in the order we wanted them to be in. We spent a long time making sure the clips were positioned in the right place, made sure the timing was right and we also added added some transitions that made it seem less obvious where the sudden cuts in the film had been made. After the clip was looking the way we wanted it to, we then cut out the original sound from the clip and were introduced to the sounds clips that we could add instead of the original sound. The clips that we added made the clip sound and look much more thrilling.
We then moved our movie clip back into final cut pro and saved it. We also had to convert the movie clip into a quicktime file so that we could upload it into our blog.
The result of our clip was really good. Overall our clip came out even better than we expected, it was fun to work in a group and learn how to use the cameras and final cut pro.
I learnt that depending on what order the clips are in and what the sound clip is it can change the whole meaning of the clip.

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