Sunday 14 December 2008

Stephanie Brand - Thriller - 2nd lesson

The following lesson we were intorduced to the cameras we were going to use to record our clip. We were shown how to put in the battery, cassettes, how to use the tripod etc. Making sure that our story board was completed, we then went off to record our film. We recorded Micheala reading the newspaper in the toilet, it was really good fun as we had to decide what positions we wanted her to be in and we got to control how zoomed in we wanted the shots to be. As well as working hard we also developed directing skills and learnt how to communicate better working in a group as we had to listen to the other girls opinions and all agree on a final decision. After we finished recording we uploaded the full movie clip to the iMac computers and started to use the programme Final Cut Pro.
Firstly we had to cut the movie clip into smaller clips so it would make it easier to put different pieces of the clips together and to add the "in" and "out" positions in the clips.

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