Wednesday 4 March 2009

12.12.08 - Oyin Balogun

On the 12th of December we were given the task to create a thrilling story from reading a newspaper ‘’thrilling read’’. We were given a camera and we were split up into groups containing 4 candidates. My group consisted of Me, Kirsty, Michaela and Stephanie. We decided to stay within in the college when filming in order to avoid complications. We also wanted to add some humour in it so we decided to shoot it in the toilet/cubicle. After filming we then made our way to the editing room and used ‘’Final Cut Pro’’ to edit our clips and cut out the un-needed ones. We then added 3 different layers of music that we felt best suited out clip. At one point we used silence to add full tension to the bit being shown at that present time. At the very end we put an air plane sound in our clip to incorporate it into the text on the news paper so that it’ll make sense to whoever was watching it. Over all I think it went pretty well and I enjoyed filming.

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