Wednesday 4 March 2009

Oyin Balogun

On our first filming session we went to Tower Bridge to begin our filming. The beginning scene was Stephanie Brand walking the streets of a busy enviroment. She bought heels, skirt and a smart shirt to give us the sense of an office woman of high status. She got changed in local toilet. We first panned across Tower Bridge to expose our enviorment and setting to the audience. After that we actually crossed the bridge which bought us to City Hall. We then panned across City Hall. Our original intentions were to get Stephanie Brand walking into the City Hall but they had strict policies which did not allow us to film on their premises, but we just filmed outside of it instead. It would have been really good if they allowed us to film in City hall as that would have been more convienient for us. It really did put us back to square one because we had to re-plan our journey. But it worked out in the end. Next time we will ask before hand in order to avoid unforseen difficulties.

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