Monday 2 March 2009

editing lesson 2

The final deadline was Friday the 27th March at 3:00 PM. I was not available to completely finish our film, due to having another lesson. Micheala and Stephanie came in in the morning and put music and sound effects on our film, and I came in at lunch to upload it onto our blog. Before our final deadline, we got our teacher to look at our film and tell us what she thought needed to be tighter. so using Final Cut Pro, she showd us how to tighten some of the editing so that it ran smoothly and some of the shots were correctly positioned. Once we had done this we put on the credits, and slowed down the establishing shot of City Hall so that the credits could be seen clearly. Once we had done all of this we were ready to do our final save of our film, and then it was ready to be viewed.

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