Thursday 5 March 2009

Second Editing Session

Our second filming session is when the challenges began. After our teacher watched the sequence through she advised us to tighten up the editing. We then went through the sequence together slowly and the teacher stopped when she thought the editing could be tightened and asked us what we could do to fix it. However we had not gotten very far before she stopped the sequence. Our sequence began with Stephanie walking however the clip began with her stationary n then walking. So we used the razor tool to cut the clip down and then added a transition at the beginning. We then continued watching, adding dissolve and fade in and out transitions where necessary. We also reframed some clips; however we could not reframe it too much because it would have become too pixelatid. After tightening up the editing me then used the software Live Type to add a title sequence. On our final day of editing we added the soundtrack and credits.

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