Friday 9 January 2009

Film Openings Cntd. 5.01.09

The Untold
The opening to The Untold was very suspenseful. The suspense was created by the wide variety of shot distances and shot types alongside with the music. The most memorable shot was when the camera was on the floor under the bins and you could see the ladies feet as she walked past. The sequence of shots were very continuous, that it was possible to have an interchange of locations eventhough it remained the same building for the veiwer.

This film opening was aimed at an older audience. When veiwing the film openings Timecode showed that it is very important to consider who your target audience is. As this helps in creating the thrilling aspect of the film opening. Unlike the other film openings Timecode was balck and white. The location was completely isolated and quiet. The music and actions was very slow, this helped in creating suspense but also was an indicator as to the audoence that the storyline was also going to be slow. Timecode begins with expanses of London, shown through a slow pan. The framing and establishing shots were very good. This film opening was very suspenseful because although it was not targeted at my audience age it still made me want to continue watching to answer questions. Timecode used a variety of shots but the closing shot with the camera at a low angle with the side of the actors shoe in the frame and the other actor in a distance was the most memorable and creative.

Days Are Numbered
Days Are Numbered was an example given from the exam board, and it differed from those made by students at City and Islington. The credits and titles were intergrated with the film. To begin the film opening faded in with the ripple of water. The slow, gentle paced music alongside the mise-en-scene added to the suspense. However the girl was seen as not sinister enough because of her age.

The Fragile
The Fragile was the only film opening we watched that did not have any characters at all, however it was still effective. Most of the film opening was from a point of veiw shot. The film opening began very slow but builds up to the sequence of images at the end. The music and editing is what helps the build up in suspense. The notion is a horrible barn with someone cycling past it. The shot of the barn is intertextual with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Intertextuality is when you borrow iconic clips from other movies. For example the shower scene in Physco is used in almost every horror film.

Not Alone
Not alone uses alot of point of view shots so that you dont know whats around the corner. It also has intertextuality with Fatal Attraction. Not alone began with a classic opening. First of all it establihed the location and seting and then we go into the house. The frequent use of close-ups amkes the audience feel claustophobic. There is also several layers of sound, there is the tap running, the man talking on the radio, the non diegetic music and the general clatters on set.

watching past thriller film openings not only gave us ideas on our own thriller openings but also taught us what makes a thriller and how the characters we use and our target audience is important in creating suspense. This lead us into the Audience task.

Thriller Films and Audiences
This activity taught us when making our own Thriller Film we should consider:
  • The defining audience in terms of age, race and socail class as well as gender
  • Movie classification: which could determine our audience
  • Mainstream audience and
  • Actors: the choice of actors may influence the audience who come to see the film.

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