Monday 12 January 2009

Last Lesson - Stephanie Brand

Last lesson, Mickey took over the class and he was explaining to us what the term " Match Cut" meant. He showed us a clip that he has personally made and then we were asked to see if we could figure out when "Match Cut" had been used. After we watched the clip a couple of times and mickey explained to us how and when the "match cuts" had been used. After that we were given a hand out with an excercise that we needed to complete, it was a match cut exercise so we needed to complete about " a man in london at 3pm chain smoking and working on the computer, he is seen putting private files onto a disc, packaging the disk and then posting the parcel." We had to write how we would make a clip of this man performing these tasks, we had to say whether it would be an exterior or interior clip, we had to say what shot type we would use, what type of camera action and the shot description.
Finally mickey gave us a brief of what we were going to film the following lesson. We also had to do the same exercise for the brief, write about the types of shots, interior, exterior, etc.

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