Monday 19 January 2009

Making our Pitch

In today's lesson we had to make a pitch to our teacher about the thriller we want to film. To do this we had to give a brief introduction to the plot of the clip and then go into some more detailed points.

The main plot of our story is this: A women who works in Politics is walking down the street, only her in focus the crowd are blurred out so that the audience can establish who the main character is. We know she's in london because we are going to flash from her to iconic views of london such as The London Eye. We see her put on her I-pod earphones and we hear a voice over giving her instructions. These instructions will include, where to go, what floor to go onto and the room number. We will see her go into an office and search through filing cabinets and try and log onto the computer. We hear a bang and we see that she has been caught, and that she is a corrupt politician. We wanted to break the stereotype of men being politicians and in high status jobs.

Key images and Icons- We think that we should have an establishing shot of London, and then have specific iconic places such as Big Ben and The houses of parliament. This would establish a connection with the audience because they would recognise where we are and therefore feel more of a part in the film. The setting also connects to the Mise-en-scene of the clip. The costume that the character is going to be wearing connects with central london because she will be wearing a smart suit, high heels and carrying a brief case. The Key icons and images also covers the setting and location.

Music- The music we are going to use is being made by Oyin, it starts off slow and then builds with the tension of the clip. This will create suspence for the audience and add to the overall effect of the clip.

The age group that we are aiming the film at is between 18 and 30, this is because we feel that an understanding of politics and corruption is needed. It is also aimed at women more than men but we feel that men will be interested because of the sex symbolism of the women in power.

Lighting- We are going to be using natural lighting, this is because obviously we can't get proffesional lighting for our movie so natural light will be fine.

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