Wednesday 7 January 2009

"Watching" film openings - Stephanie Brand

Last lesson we got given a handout with questions from one to eight. We had to then watch a clip about film openings, and we listened and watched to what different types of directors thought made good film openings. Some directors said that it was better if the movie started off fast so that the audience could be attacthed to their seats from the begining, others said that it works best when the movie starts off slowly slowly because if this is done then you can gradually build up drama and the action. One director said that the begining of the movie lets thte audience adjust to what the movie is going to be like. If the audience don't know enough it means they have to carry on watching the movie to find out more. All the directors had different points of views towards how a movie should start, some gave me the impression that they like to discover new ways of starting a movie one director said "its a risk i wanted to take" so he really thought that putting new ideas to making a new way of starting a movie was a good idea.
After watching the clip of film openings, we watched 7 different movie starters that were made by other students from the college, this was for us to see what techniques the students used and to give us some ideas for the clip that we are going to film. The first clip we watched looked like it had lots of work put into it and it was very good but the only problem i found with it was that it was really long. It was also very religious iconography as we constantly saw crosses and a person crossing out words from the Bible. We then saw a couple more clips, clips that got A's and clips that got C's just so we could see the difference between the clips and so that we could keep in mind what to do and what not to do.
We also learn a new word "INTERTEXTUALITY" this is what some groups used for their clip making. Because intertextuality is when iconic clips are borrowed from another movie.
Near the end of the lesson we got given another handout with statistics of movie and audiences and in this handout there was the statistics between what movies womend men like to watch and how many people actually go to the cinema and spend their money to watch a film.

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