Monday 12 January 2009

The Preliminary Film - Stephanie

Todays lesson was the second time had a go at making a practice film. We had to film one person walking down a corridor, to arrive at a door and to sit inside with someone else and have a couple words of dialogue. This time it was much easier to film our clip as we knew had to control the videa camera, how to shoot different types of shots and how to position the camera. Also because this was easier we could concentrate on trying out the new techniques that mickey had taught us. Between the first and the second practice, this time we learnt that it would be best not to talk while filiming because although the orginal sound can be cut out, its useful to keep the original sound, as we can see in the new film, we kept the orignal sound of the heels constantly making sound as i walk down the corridors, this made a bigger impact in the clip as it gave it a serious feeling to the clip. Also we had more experience in using the iMacs and arranging the shots in the right postions.
I dont think we challenged the norms and conventions of a real film, we took our assignment seriously but at the same time got down to the point, we kept the shots simple but at the same time tried to make it as interesting as we could. In a real film they have the right place to film, we had to make the most of the college's corridors and rooms.
No the clip doesnt give us a chance to make comments about the respresentation.
After playing the clip back i think that it could have had a couple of over the shoulder shots of when i sit down at the table opposite kirsty. Also my family had a look at the clip and they said that maybe some background music could have been added as all we can hear is the heels on the floor.
Overall i think as a group we worked really well together on this task, we were quick and snappy but still had a successful clip at the end of it.

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