Tuesday 6 January 2009

"Watching" Film Openings

The first thing we did in the last media lesson was we watched a documentary about film openings. We had to answer a number of questions, some of which were about the points of view of certain writer or directors such as Jean Jacques Beineix talking about "Instant Arousal" in films and the risks of this. The argument around this issue was that some people said that you need to start the film with the biggest impact so that the audience are gripped from the start. Others such as Jean Jaques Beineix said that this was wrong. He said that you should start the film slowly so that the audience don't feel deflated at the end of the film because the big event has happened at the beginning. There were any other questions aswell.

The next thing we did was we watched past students thriller films so that we could see what it is we are expected to do. The first one we watched was called Blasphemy. This had a very strong presence of religion, and it used the title sequence and credits so that we can see the obsession of the main character aswell as the credits. We spoke about what made each of the works we watched good and what we thought wasn't as good. This helped us understand what would be a good idea to do and what not to do.

We then looked at films and the audiences that they pull in. The most popular genre of film were comedy and action. The male percentage were higher than women for thrillers, action and spy movies. There are a few things that we have to think about when making out thriller film. The movie classification- for example 15 may suggest violence or sex.
Niche audiences- A film made for a very specific audience and lower budget
Mainstream Audiences-A general appeal to a range of people and ages.
Actors- Our choice of actors may influence the people who come and see the movie for example
if we say Johnny Depp is in the film then we will get Johnny Depp fans in to see the film.

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