Monday 12 January 2009

Preliminary Film

In today's lesson we did our preliminary film to carry on from the planning that we did last lesson. We had to film someone walking into a room, sitting down with another person and sharing a few lines of dialogue. I think that our second film went really well, we used many different shot types, we used match cutting which we learnt in our last lesson.
Between the first and second practice film I have learnt that the footage doesn't always have to be perfect because you can edit it on the computer, and also it is better to have long rubbish clips that you can edit and cut down, than have a short perfedct clip because it is harder to edit.

Our preliminary film doesn't challenge the coventions of a real film because we used all different shot types and match cutting and they do that in real films as well. However a real film may not be filmed in the tight amount of space that we used, we used a small part of the corridor and then used the classroom that we were working in. Because we edited the film and the clips, you can't tell that the corridor we filmed in and the room we used were on two different floors, it was fluid. Our film do not allow us to make any comments about representation, as it is very short and simple.

If we had more time we would have used more shots such as an over the shoulder shot at the end to show the conversation from one character's point of view, and we would have made it a bit longer, but with the time and resources that we had I think we did very well.

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